CSS is a programming language used to stylize webpages made with HTML.
Everything you see is the way it is due to CSS. The syntax for CSS is different from that of HTML. In CSS, we create containers that contain stylizing information. Here's an example of what a container looks like:
p{ ~ You insert the name of what you're styling here. font-family: "Arial"; ~ Denotes what font the text should use. color:blue; ~ Denotes what color the text will be. font-size:12px; ~ Denotes font size. }
p{ font-family: "Arial"; color:blue; font-size:12px; }
This example shows you a pretty basic idea of what you can do. You can do highlighting, colour changing, and more all in an organized manner. But CSS can do far more than just this.
These boxes were made by grouping the text into a group of groups and giving each group within the group a set of styling. As you can tell from that sentence, CSS can be a little bit more tricky to wrap your head around than HTML. In HTML, you can make basic buttons like this: but with CSS, we can take them to the next level:
CSS gets more advanced when we take a look at animations, tooltips, variables, and other functions that we won't be covering because I don't know them yet. The last part of this website is a litle about me.